Jaskinia Behemota

Jaskinia Behemota - pierwszy polski wortal o Heroes of Might and Magic oraz fantasy

Pacze do Heroes IV

21 marca 2003 / Heroes IV / autor Geomanta Ururam Tururam

3DO wypuściło patche do Heroes IV (podstawka i TGS) naprawiające błąd wycieku pamięci. Na razie - oczywiście - dostępna jest jedynie łatka do wersji amerykańskiej.
Właściciele Winds of War martwić się nią nie muszą, gdyż ten błąd jest tam poprawiony.
Naprawiono także kilka innych usterek.
A oto pełna lista zmian (po angielsku)...
Casting the spell Town Gate inside of a town no longer crashes game.
In windowed mode, if you close the window while at the hero-selected army screen, the game no longer crashes.
Fixed an occasional game freeze when moving into a weak neutral army's activation radius.
Adjusting the Game Setting's volume slider without a selected army on the adventure map, no longer crashes the game.
Fixed combat crash caused by placing multiple lines of quicksand between a fast walking unit and its target
Fixed crash if day 1 timed event lost game.
Fixed very, very rare crash if two neutral armies touch.
Goblin Knight's magic resistance ability now functions correctly.
Corrected issue with certain types of area damage (hydras, cerberus, black dragons) affecting creatures in Sanctuary.
Heroes with the Flaming Arrow no longer do splash damage to fire resistant creatures.
When Death Call'ed phoenixes die, they are now removed from the battlefield and do not rebirth.
Corrected aberrant results of heroes who have the Potion of Immortality or Guardian Angel on them, and are devoured by sea monsters.
The Throwing Spear now increases the range and melee attack of a hero by eight.
The common artifact 'Axe' now increases the hero's attack by eight.
Heroes or creatures that shoot twice per turn, but only have one shot left, now will only shoot once.
Disembarking heroes or creatures from a Ship now functions correctly with regards to their movement.
Dead heroes cannot cast adventure spells anymore.
The Quicksand spell is easier to place on the battlefield.
If a vampire stack is defeated by a thunderbird stack, but regenerates vampires back, the graphic is updated correctly
If you have an event with a DISPLAY MESSAGE action, with a sub action of GIVE CREATURES, and the GIVE CREATURES results in an over-full army, the "full army" dialog now appears after the displayed message.
When a hero gets an INCREASE EXPERIENCE or INCREASE EXP LEVEL script event, they can now select a skill from an associated skill set.
Cyclops and heroes with the Flaming Arrow now have the appropriate animation played when their ranged attack reaches its target.
Corrected the Resurrection spell-effect graphic when running at the slowest combat speed.
The INCREASE DEFENSE script action now correctly increases defense instead of attack.
Corrected occasional issue when accessing a teleporter that has multiple exits.
Corrected issues with the mouse cursor disappearing after the completion of a campaign.
Corrected issues with the mouse cursor disappearing after the loss of a single scenario.
Corrected aberrant scroll bar behavior.
Resources update immediately after purchasing items at Marketplace from the Town Screen.
Adventure sounds update after the volume is adjusted in the game settings.
If a scenario is won by winning a battle and you return to the main menu, the correct main menu theme now plays.
Hero portrait movement bar now functions correctly when the "Move Army" icon is used when the town icon is highlighted.
The Single Scenario screen sort order is now reverse-able.


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